Welcome to the American Kerry Cattle Association Pedigrees Area!
To search for animals in the AKCA system, click the Animal Search tab above.
On the Animal Search page you can use the Quick Select form to find a particular animal. Type a portion of any of the listed fields in the appropriate box of the Quick Select form and it will run an auto-search after you have typed at lease 3 characters. Then a list will drop down showing all the animals that were found to match what you typed and you can click on one of the listed animals to bring up its Animal Info page.
You can also use the "Search for One or More Animals..." form on the Animal Serch page to specifiy various field values and find all animals matching the criteria you provided. For example, type CAN in the Reg # box of the Search form and select Male from the Sex drop down on the form and click the Search button to find all male animals with CAN registration numbers. Note, the search will only show animals matching ALL the criteria you specify. The search will automatically look for partial matches in the text fields of the form and you can also use the * character to mean "any character or characters" and the ? character to mean "any single character (non-blank)". For example, run a search with k* in the Name box to see the list of animals with names starting with the letter k (capitalization is not significant.)
After running a search and getting the resulting list of animals on the Animals Search Results page, you can use the little blue buttons at the left of the list to get more information on that specific animal. The i button will bring up the Animal Info page, the P button brings up the Pedigree page, and the O button brings up the Progeny (Offspring) page.